Understanding SEO in 2021

What is SEO?

SEO stands for the term Search Engine Optimization and it is essential to the success of your business being found online. There are some things behind the scenes that are done to increase the chances of being found by Google and other search engines. As a writer, there are things that you can do on the front end to make your website rank higher.

In a nutshell, write your website/blog for the reader. There was a time when Google would read purposeful keywords and mostly use those indicators to send people to websites. That hasn’t been the case in the past few years. While keywords are considered, Google is able to read for content and determine which website best addresses the searcher’s needs. Google is even able to see what images are being used. It puts it all together for you to find what you are looking for. 

SEO in 2021


What is more important in SEO 2021 best practices is the use of questions and bulleted lists. Google, first of all, is going to answer the searcher’s question. Secondly, it’s going to look for the best way to explain it (bulleted lists). If possible, use those strategies toward the top of the website/article.

Think of yourself when considering content. What would you look for? What phrases would you type into the search bar on Google? If you are an expert on a subject, share what you know.

While keywords are not the most vital part of a website they are still important for your content to show Google what your site is about. Choose your keywords/keyword phrases wisely.

  • Pick keywords that, once again, draw the attention of the reader

  • Do some research on whether or not the keywords generate results

  • Research your competition

We have some recommendations for tools to help with keyword research below.

 I’m going to a salt room spa this weekend. I might type in “Where can I find a salt spa?” or “what is a salt spa?” or, even more popular these days are location questions, such as “Salt room spa by me” Ask it just as you would ask a person. That’s how Google makes the match - to the best answer to those questions. 

Search Results on Google

There are two different types of search results on Google. One type are ads. These are what people pay for and keywords and copy are important here as well. But, what we are concerned with is “organic” SEO - your site showing up without paying for it. People will often click on the organic results as opposed to the ads. 

The first page of Google organic results isn’t always possible. People do, of course, look for first page results. But, even being on the second or third page is ok and you always have the chance of moving up. What is important, also, is the description that follows your link. These examples show filling out some info on the page itself on the back end. Here is an example:

So - let’s look at how this organic listing will appear on Google:

Cold Springs Salt Stone Spa | Hudson Spa

What is a salt spa? Relax in the tranquil peace of a Salt Room. Treat yourself to one of our signature spa treatments for the ultimate spa experience. 

You see - that example shows where and what

Or I might do something similar that has where and why:

Rockland County Stone Spa | Hudson Spa

Relax in the tranquil peace of a Salt Room. Salt room spas are great for meditation and couple it with a spa treatment for ultimate relaxation.

You get the chance to have a headline and description on each of the pages on your website so you can play around a bit.

For the body content, again, write it as if you were explaining it. If you need help with titles or keywords for your copy, here are some useful sites. They will show you ideas based on your keywords and subject areas and the competition you are up against.

SEO Keyword Resources

We like Google's Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and HubSpot's keywords tool. And, because questions are so important we LOVE Answer the Public.

If you need any guidance or help or ideas, definitely get in touch with The Hyacinth Group. We offer free initial consultations and we have an SEO writer on staff as well as Marketing, Website Designers and Graphic Designers. 

You can reach us here:
