Case Studies
Case: My Hood Exchange
The founders of My Hood Exchange created a website that would serve as an online marketplace for locals in the New Orleans area. The site would boost the economy in the area, making the neighborhood profits and bringing sellers and buyers together. My Hood Exchange is a platform to sell goods and services. The challenge is getting potential vendors to sell products online and to create online brand recognition.
The website needed traffic and it needed it fast. Not just any traffic - the right kind of traffic.
First, we created a logo that matched the brand identity and also resonated with consumers. Then we made some optimization-friendly updates. We brought the company information to the top of the page as well as added a new tagline and a learn more button. Also we knew they needed leads. So we updated their search engine optimized copy and tagged meta on the back end of their website with optimizing plug-ins. Then proceeded to create a Google My Business Page and signed them up with all things Google.
New Logo
The website traffic increased - it more than doubled. In the first month, the organic traffic rose 67%. Between June and July, direct traffic also increased by 72%. According to a heat map, people clicked exactly where we’d thought they would.
My Hood Exchange is a satisfied client.
My Hood Exchange Online Traffic and New Website Users for June and July 2021
Case: CRMmetry
CRMmetry is a Salesforce consultancy for the English-speaking Caribbean region. Their challenge was to target potential consumers within the geographic location. They were seeking qualified leads and to retain potential consumers once brought to their site.
Make some tweaks to the website so that potential clients would find it user friendly and the most pertinent information available the moment they visit. Consumers needed clear explanations for service offering paired with graphics.
Along with the team at CRMmetry, we were able to work with the copy on the site to enhance it for potential customers. We moved some informational graphics to the top of the pages and added several new blog posts that were optimized for SEO. Additionally, we created ads on LinkedIn to attract new clients from their website. We studied competitors to see where they were getting inbound traffic. We also set them up with Google My Business and Google Console to get search engine results.
The traffic to their website nearly doubled from May to July following the enhancements. The ads were successful but ads with direct lead generation performed the best.
They were very happy with the results.
CRMmetry Online Traffic, New Users and Page Views for May - July 2021